Handrail Rope HEMPTWIST Beige by Kanirope®

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Product No.: 15981--82643

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product description

Handrail Rope HEMPTWIST Beige by Kanirope® - is a pure natural product for true nature lovers, made from 100% natural hemp yarns. This stair rope has very grippy and very pleasant surface. Visually, the structure and texture of the rope emphasize the ecological awareness and the closeness to the nature of the object site.

  • Diameter: øXXmm
  • Color: Beige
  • Construction: 4-strand braided
  • Renewable resource
  • Environmental friendly

Tag cloud

außen garten geländer geländerpfosten handlaufseil indoor innen leine outdoor schnur seil seilgeländer seilhandlauf tauwerk terrasse terrassengeländer treppengeländer treppenhandlauf treppenseil wetterfest handlauf kordel tau treppe seilhandläufe 28mm 30mm 38mm 40mm meterware lfm 50m 80668 15970 15971 10140 15981